var errorMsg = 'Please contact your HR Specialist or System Representative for assistance.'; var redirectError = 'kQLCJvfO9NDn9Xl27H1cgQ%3D%3D'; var redirectInvalid = 'CzxDBp%2F6lLOrN%2FxDu5RURw%3D%3D'; var redirectLocked = 'u%2BPZap0NmxrHspZmds7rzA%3D%3D'; var redirectLogout = 'myBc%2Fflg6nK7QqBRaov7dQ%3D%3D'; var redirectTimeout = 'OfiyypaB1YJpMpF3akh1gA%3D%3D'; /* LIST OF EDUCATION FORM DEGREES */ var educDegrees = []; /* LIST OF EDUCATION FORM PROGRAMS */ var educPrograms = []; /* CHECK THE PEOD FOR SUBMITTING A FORM */ var eleSubmitChk = 0; /* STATUS CHANGE VARIABLE MESSAGES */ var refreshMsg = '
The form action you are attempting to perform cannot be completed until the EODS Forms List is refreshed.
Select OK below to refresh the Forms List.
NOTE: If after the refresh you are unable to perform a desired form action, please contact your Human Resources Specialist identified at the top of the Forms List screen.
'; /* VARIABLES FOR CREATING NAMES AND LOCATIONS BASED ON WHO THE USER IS */ var pathApp = ''; var pathMod = ''; var path = ''; var postFixApp = ''; var postFixMod = ''; var userGroup = '';